Strategy and Planning Meeting


Welcome to the Audiotocracy Podcast Network! As a client of Audiotocracy, you get access to all the member resources, including up to 4 hours of strategy and planning prior to launch.

These big planning meetings will help us make a lot of important, pre-launch decisions: cadence, format, content, meeting schedule, and more. Because we’ll cover so much information, we suggest dividing up the S&P into 2-4 meetings and inviting stakeholders to the meetings appropriate for them.

  1. Content Strategy, including title, theme, format, music, artwork, guest selection, content calendar. We’ll discuss our services and packages, next steps, and deliverables. This part of the meeting generally takes 1-2 hours. Stakeholders may include host(s), content managers, marketing team, leadership.
  2. Nitty gritty*, where we talk you through gear set-up, recording space optimization, your Google Drive “Show Bible,” ways to connect your podcast with your website. The nitty gritty takes an hour to 90 minutes. Stakeholders may include host(s) and IT/website manager.
  3. Polish. In this meeting, we go through Storytelling for Podcasters, a workshop on audio-specific storytelling, tailored for your purpose and goals. We can also touch on interview style and tips. This meeting will run about an hour, and stakeholders likely include host(s) and content manager.

*NOTE: We recommend you purchase audio gear in advance of this meeting, so we can do set-up and testing/training.